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Mow the Dog

What is Mow? Where am I? Where the hell are my pants??
No, not ours, you pervert...the STUDIO equipment
FACILITY...is a more impressive word than ROOM
Almost live shots of somewhat live musicians
Cool events and happenings in Central New Jersey
Good bands, bad bands, bands with really funny names
Oddball stuff from the Mow the Dog archives


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Rules of the Game: This game is designed for entertainment purposes only (please...no wagering).  No prizes will be awarded, but winners will have the sheer satisfaction of knowing they've solved the mysteries of KC's HEAD.  Losers, on the other hand, will be struck repeatedly about the head with a blunt object.

KC #1:
This one's not as easy as you may think...that could be the Skipper in one of the rarely seen episodes from the quickly-cancelled spin-off "Gilligan's Closet".
kc's head #1

Character Name:

Performer's Name:

KC #2:
This diminutive star was on top of de world when he was shouting about de plane until de show got cancelled and he shot himself in de head with de gun.
kc's head #2

Character Name:

Performer's Name:

KC #3:
All I have to say is...

which, incidentally is Swedish for "Was this really a good career move?"
kc's head #3

Character Name:

Performer's Name:

KC #4:
This person popularized the phrase "Whatchoo Talkin' Bout, Mr. Heyman"...or was that Mr. Drummond?  Aw, who the hell cares.  Believe it or not, this wee small actor is currently doing phone sex for a living - look for clips soon in the Cowboy Bob pages, right here at Mow the Dog (home of shameless self-promotion)
kc's head #4

Character Name:

Performer's Name:

If you are happy with your guesses, hit submit to send your responses to Mow the Dog.  Please include your name so we can list you as a KC's Head Winner!  If you'd like to be part of a Mow the Dog mailing list, enter your email address.  Don't worry, your name will not be added to any list outside of Mow the Dog.   Feel free to add any comments or suggestions for more entries for KC's Head.   Thanks for playing!

Your name:
Your email address: